Russian Red Cross accepting donations for military support
By Anton Bogdanovych | | 1 min read

The Russian Red Cross is accepting donations to support soldiers, according to an official in Kamchatka. Donations can be delivered to the organization’s office in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, where they will be collected and distributed.
Ukrainian community protest organizer Anton Bogdanovych in Sydney contacted the Russian Red Cross to determine their willingness to accept donations. During the call, the Red Cross official described their office as a consolidated donation center. Bogdanovych requested permission to bring drones and military gear to the headquarters, and the Red Cross employee approved it.
The decision of the Russian Red Cross to accept donations for military support could have significant and concerning implications for the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, especially considering that the International Red Cross adheres to a principle of neutrality and does not take sides in armed conflicts.